Although most people believe that hypertension is a natural consequence of aging, hypertension is actually the consequence from years of consuming a diet rich in saturated animal products, oils, refined sugars, processed foods, and salt.
These foods play a major role in promoting diseased arteries. High blood pressure is not a disease, but a symptom of these diseased arteries. As cholesterol containing plaques begin to line the walls of the arteries, the arteries begin to narrow, stiffen, and lose their elasticity which causes a rise in pressure. Medications artificially treat the symptoms which gives the patient a false sense of security while their disease progresses. By switching to a whole foods plant based diet, you will be giving your body a chance to heal the arteries, and reverse the disease.
For more information, click on the following links:
(1) Die Sooner With Good Looking Numbers
(2) Who has Heart Disease? Everyone!
(3) How do the Majority of Heart Attacks Occur?
(4) Heart Attack Proof Your Holidays
(5) Heart Attack Proof Yourself in Three Weeks
(7) Atherosclerosis Begins in Early Childhood
(8) Could Erectile Dysfunction Save Your Life?
(9) Bypass, Anigoplasty Procedures not Effective
(10) Heart Disease Starts in Childhood