Since we hate cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, sheep, fish, deer, elk, bears and ducks, but can’t deal with the fact that we are murdering them by the billion, we refer to the murders as “culls” or “harvests” to lie to ourselves, and bolster the lies that we’ve been told by our parents, government, religion, schools and the media.
Since we hate mice, rats, guinea pigs, monkeys and rabbits, but can’t deal with the fact that we are torturing and murdering them by the million in barbaric & unscientific vivisection experiments, we label the murders “sacrifices” to lie to ourselves again, and bolster the lies that we’ve been told by our parents, government, religion, schools and the media.
Are you ready for the kicker?
In many parts of the world, especially America, we actually LOVE dogs and cats so much that we share our homes with them and refer to them as family members. We become outraged when someone mistreats them and even wish gruesomely awesome retaliatory violence against the perpetrators. Perusing the “comments” section of any Internet story about dog or cat abuse unequivocally proves the aforesaid point.
Yet, we murder millions of dogs & cats in slaughterhouses that we euphemistically refer to as “shelters” because they are homeless and unwanted. Since we love dogs & cats so much, but can’t deal with the fact that we are murdering them by the million, we instead refer to the murders as “putting them down” or “putting them to sleep”.
In other words, whether we hate ‘em or love ‘em, we always end up lying about the fact that we are murdering them because lying & murdering are what we do best!
These endless lies are instrumental in keeping animals commodified, victimized, and without the innate rights of bodily integrity that ALL beings deserve, and that ALL human beings demand or take for granted if they’re lucky enough to even have them!